January 14th – the left-back Arthur Enriquecelebrates his 27th birthday. This is his second time to celebratethe holiday since he joined Botev in the summer of 2012, and again theBrazilian is on a training camp abroad. He received a lot of wishes from histeammates and agreed to return them to Botev’s supporters trough the officialwebsite. Here is how our number 26 feels on his 27th birthday:
Happy birthday, Arthur! What do you wish for today?
First of all, ofcourse – strong health. I also wish for happiness for me and the people aroundme. When they are happy, then I am okay too. In the professional field, I hopeto help with the best I can so Botev can achieve the goals that the team hasset. For example, we can win the Bulgarian Cup! I want to make the fans happy.When the supporters are satisfied, then we all can be pleased with our work.
Do you miss Brazil more than usual today?
Yes, because I have astrong relationship with my family and friends. 5 days ago I was there withthem, and now I can’t share this holiday with them. But this is the life that Iam used to. After all, I am a professional player and my job requires for me tobe here(in Europe) now. Also, I have friends here in Bulgaria, and I enjoybeing around them. The whole day I receive congratulations via facebook andthat makes me feel closer to home.
Youare part of Botev Plovdiv for an year and a half already. How does it feel, didyou get used to Bulgaria and Plovdiv?
This is really a long period. I am fully adapted tothe team I every day I get used to everything in Bulgaria – the life, thelanguage, the habits… I can easily say that I feel Plovdiv as my second home. Ienjoy going home to Brazil, but in the end of my vacations there I feel that Imiss the training sessions and everyday life in Bulgaria. With all the goodattitude, people in Plovdiv and supporters of Botev make me feel much like athome.
Youmentioned the language – do you understand everything you hear in Bulgarian?
Well, not everything, but maybe 60% of what I hear. Inthe beginning I thought that it would be impossible to learn Bulgarian, but nowI think that in a year I will be able to understand and speak Bulgarianfluently. I like how the Bulgarian language sounds. For example, I find theDutch language that my teammates speak, much more difficult.
Ourgoal is to reach a place in the European tournaments. What are the chances toachieve that?
Everything is up to us. I think we have a reallyhigh-quality team and if we work well and show the game that everyone desiresto see, we will reach our goal. We also need the support of everyone who lovesBotev. I am sure that we have our chances to play again in Europe – no matterif we do it through the Championship, or the Bulgarian Cup. Of course, we willbe glad to win a trophy this year.
Inthe end of the first half of the season you were injured. How do you feel now?
This injury came in the worst moment for me – I wasjust about to play and get in playing rhythm. Now I am in perfect health, readyto train and be in perfect condition.
Doyou have something to say to the supporters of Botev Plovdiv?
I want to thank them all for the wonderful wishes thatI receive all the time. I hope they return back to them doubled. I am onlysorry that because we are in Cyprus, only the teammates will try my birthdaycake(laughing).