Upcoming match:

Beroe - Botev

Beroe - Botev

An open letter to the Bulgarian Football Union

Dear representatives of the Bulgarian Football Union,

PFC Botev (Plovdiv) expresses its wish that the upcoming ½-final against CSKA on May 1 at the “Hristo Botev” stadium will be led by one of Bulgaria’s international referees.

Our club believes in the qualities and objectivity of the home referees selected by UEFA. Hopefully, on May 1, solely the football arguments will send one of the two teams to the final without the need to discuss the referee’s role after the match.

We sincerely believe that this time also the meeting will be covered with a sufficient number of cameras so that the VAR system can also function to its full potential.

In the name of fair play, of football and above all – of the fans.

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