Dear Botevists,
On this date, 125 years ago, the first chairman of Botev was born – the legendary Stoyan Puhtev. In the history of our club, there are many significant personalities who have contributed to its development over the years, but without any doubt, Stoyan Puhtev is one of the brightest and unquestionably deserving of our recognition.
Thanks to his and his like-minded energy and perseverance in those early years of the 20th century, the long-term mission of their big brothers – the first Botevists, in their dream of legitimizing our club in legal peace, has been brought to a successful end.
His selfless love for Botev and his unquenchable desire for the IDEA to get its rightful place in the sports and social life of Plovdiv and the country are the foundation upon which generations of Botevists have built so that today we have this Botev, who is loved by hundreds of thousands of “yellow -black’ hearts.
Stoyan Puhtev’s passion, faith and love for “Botev” can be fully understood and felt in his words, written in the club diaries and telling about those distant but glorious years for our club:
“And so in the month of March 1912 a dream was born, a star rose and a dream came true!”
Stoyan Puhtev
Today, all of us who continue to burn for the Botev cause must remember those whose pure love has led to our great club proudly bearing the name of its immortal patron Hristo Botev.
A deep bow to the deed of Stoyan Puhtev!